Online Breastfeeding Class using Zoom. Classes are taught by a Care Connection IBCLC Lactation Consultant.
This class may be covered by your insurance. TOPICS COVERED: How Breastfeeding Works: Breastfeeding is natural, the early weeks, how your breasts make milk, the letdown reflex, how your milk changes, special situations, Latching on and positioning, Getting off to a good start, mother & baby positioning, latching on, breastfeeding holds, and feeding patterns. When To Feed Your Baby:
Hunger signs, crying patterns, sleepy eaters, pacifiers and bottle feeding. How much Is enough? How to know that your baby is getting enough milk, counting diapers, weight gain, feeding log, jaundice. Breast Care: breast fullness, expressing your milk by hand, engorgement, blocked ducts, nipple care, sore & cracked nipples, and breast infection. Breastfeeding Lifestyle: Taking care of yourself, family planning, diet for breastfeeding mothers, returning to work, expressing and storing your milk.
Online Breastfeeding Class using Zoom. Classes are taught by a Care Connection IBCLC Lactation Consultant.
This class may be covered by your insurance. TOPICS COVERED: How Breastfeeding Works: Breastfeeding is natural, the early weeks, how your breasts make milk, the letdown reflex, how your milk changes, special situations, Latching on and positioning, Getting off to a good start, mother & baby positioning, latching on, breastfeeding holds, and feeding patterns. When To Feed Your Baby:
Hunger signs, crying patterns, sleepy eaters, pacifiers and bottle feeding. How much Is enough? How to know that your baby is getting enough milk, counting diapers, weight gain, feeding log, jaundice. Breast Care: breast fullness, expressing your milk by hand, engorgement, blocked ducts, nipple care, sore & cracked nipples, and breast infection. Breastfeeding Lifestyle: Taking care of yourself, family planning, diet for breastfeeding mothers, returning to work, expressing and storing your milk.
Online Breastfeeding Class using Zoom. Classes are taught by a Care Connection IBCLC Lactation Consultant.
This class may be covered by your insurance. TOPICS COVERED: How Breastfeeding Works: Breastfeeding is natural, the early weeks, how your breasts make milk, the letdown reflex, how your milk changes, special situations, Latching on and positioning, Getting off to a good start, mother & baby positioning, latching on, breastfeeding holds, and feeding patterns. When To Feed Your Baby:
Hunger signs, crying patterns, sleepy eaters, pacifiers and bottle feeding. How much Is enough? How to know that your baby is getting enough milk, counting diapers, weight gain, feeding log, jaundice. Breast Care: breast fullness, expressing your milk by hand, engorgement, blocked ducts, nipple care, sore & cracked nipples, and breast infection. Breastfeeding Lifestyle: Taking care of yourself, family planning, diet for breastfeeding mothers, returning to work, expressing and storing your milk.
Many moms experience tender or sensitive nipples in the first few weeks of breastfeeding. Often times this can be due to postpartum hormonal changes. This tenderness is normal and…
Hand expression of your breastmilk is an important skill to have. Learning to hand express has proven to benefit both mom and baby in many situations. In the first…
Presently one-third of babies born in the United States today are delivered by Cesarean or C-Section. This is major surgery and can pose an extra set of challenges for…
1) Women with larger breasts make more milk. The size of a woman’s breasts does not determine how much milk she will make. However, women do have different storage…